Foundations Press
Homeschooling Torah

Are You Shopping for Curriculum?

This time of year marks a new season of curriculum “shopping” among homeschoolers. For me personally, I start shopping in the spring because we get our tax refund soon, so I want to know how much money I should set aside for the coming school year. I also...
For the Love of Games

For the Love of Games

Our seven kids love to play games with mom and dad!  We enjoy games more than worksheets in school, video-game tournaments more than television, and board games more than other family activities.  As a homeschooling mom, I love how playing games together as a family...
Why Use Curriculum?

Why Use Curriculum?

Last time I wrote a post on some practical, yet Biblical, homeschooling methods suggested from the book of Deuteronomy. I’ve been personally mulling over these methods a lot in the last few weeks. I’ve been homeschooling for many years now, and I’ve...
Motivation for Learning

Motivation for Learning

How can we motivate our children to learn? I absolutely love homeschooling and have no desire to educate my children in any other way, but admittedly, one of the biggest drawbacks to homeschooling is the lack of competition and the give-and-take that can happen in a...